COVID-19 Emergency Food Assistance

There has been an increased need for emergency food assistance in India during the Covid 19 pandemic due to the lockdowns and loss of livelihoods. Daily wagers and their families have been severely impacted and are in great distress. Nutrition by distributing weekly Ration Kits comprising of healthy non- perishable staple foods and groceries.

Food Bank - Reaching out to Vulnerable Families

Submitted by IFBN on 15 September 2020 - 12:12pm

During the Nutrition Month, Food Bank September 2020, has doubled the quantum of its food assistance to families in need for greater impact during COVID-19 pandemic. In collaboration with Sodexo and Stop Hunger, we are making a meaningful difference in the lives of 5325 vulnerable families by providing them with 80,000 kg of non-perishable staples. Together we are ensuring that they have enough food to eat and remain healthy. We continue to help these vulnerable families to rebuild their lives and are actively seeking support from individuals and organizations with monetary donations for rations (raw food materials) and packaged products.

2020 FOOD Insecurity Projections

– California, USA

  • The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is impacting vulnerable households in various ways. Many food-insecure individuals have characteristics that put them at a higher risk for severe illness associated with COVID-19.
  • Workers who have service occupations or work in the leisure and hospitality industry are more likely to be food insecure and are at risk of further hardship as many businesses have been forced to close and lay off staff.
  • Should unemployment and poverty increase to the level of the Great Recession, 9.9 million more people may experience food insecurity. In a more extreme scenario, the number of food-insecure individuals could rise by 17.1 million. Demand for charitable food assistance has increased and is expected to continue to increase for the foreseeable future.

– California, USA

  • Households with children are more likely to be food insecure. In 2018, 11.2 million children (1 in 7), lived in a food-insecure household.
  • As closures caused by the coronavirus lead to a rise in unemployment and poverty, more people will experience food insecurity.
  • A significant rise in unemployment over the year (+7.6 percentage points) and a corresponding rise in child poverty (+5.0 percentage points) would result in a total of 18.0 million children (1 in 4) experiencing food insecurity.

– California, USA

Among children, the projected child food insecurity rates for 2020 range from 18.4% (Massachusetts) to 34.5% (Louisiana). While California would see the highest increase in the number of children living in food-insecure households (852,000), Texas would be home to the most food-insecure children – 2.3 million – though only slightly more than the total for California (2.2 million). Figure 2 shows projected child food insecurity rates by state.

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